How to pick your Wedding Dance Song
Photo Credit: Olivia Leigh Photographie
Weddings make up an incredible amount of choices. Locations, invitations, flowers, food, and SO MUCH MORE. Now someone is asking you what song you’re going to dance to for that all important first dance. And you are drawing a blank. Good news! We’ve put together a handy guide to help you in the process.
1. Pick something that you can both dance to
But how do we figure that out!?!
Great question everyone!
Like finding the right dress, you're going to have to try some music on… by dancing to it.
Here is a way to do this…
Start a shared playlist of wedding songs on your favorite streaming service. Once you’ve got a few (let’s say 5) on there start taking the time every night to have a sweat little dance session with your cutie. Dance through the whole of at least one song (swaying is totally fine!). Not only will this be a way to start getting comfortable moving together, but you’ll also start to figure out what’s important to you in a song that you will dance to.
2. Don’t be afraid to be yourself
We are all, each and every one of us, yes even you, a unique human being. And if you’re getting married, you are pairing yourself with another quirky person. Don’t shy away from yourselves. You want to dance to your shared favorite TV show theme…amazing. You both have to dance every time the B52’s Rock Lobster comes on…I love it. Are you going to do minimalist movement to John Cage’s 4’33’’…how avant-garde. Remember that this is a celebration of you and your amazing partner as one.
3. Call your mom and ask
She looks forward to your calls, loves being included, and might have some good ideas.
4. Write out a story of you and your loves journey
How did you meet?
Were you nervous?
Who asked who out?
What was your first kiss like?
What was your first fight about?
What was the moment like when you knew you were in love?
As you answer these questions and write out other important parts of your relationship see what songs come to mind. What themes speak loudest to you?
Photo Credit: Arden Studio
5. Check out some covers
Do you love a song that you feel is a little to cliché? That’s totally alright. If something is cliché it likely means someone has also created fresh versions with qualitative shifts that make the whole thing feel brand new. For this reason don’t rule out those fast songs that you love. There might be an acoustic version just your speed.
6. Get someone dear to you to perform
Is a friend of yours an amazing Cello player? Is your sister amazing an incredible bassoonist? It’s time to call in the favor from that time you took them to, or picked them up from the airport. Live music is incredible at a wedding. It can enhance the romantic experience and make it so it’s not just you in the spotlight.
7. Location location location
Are you at the point where you know where you’re getting married, but haven’t quite picked your song? Try thinking about the setting and themes of your wedding for inspiration. Is it going to be fancy or casual? Are you dancing outside or inside? Answers to all of these questions can help steer you towards a genre for inspiration.
8. Start with the dancing
Go out and start taking some lessons in a form that you or your partner have always wanted to try. Taking some classes will start to build your dancing talent and open you up to a lot of new music. While you’re at it… ask the teacher of the class? They might have some gems you’ve never heard.